Flight Reviews (as of 6/13/19)

Flight Reviews (as of 6/13/19)
This is a periodic review of the flights we took as we travel around the world (sorted from newest to oldest).

Japanese Airlines NRT-TPE

  • Seats: great legroom
  • Food: full meal
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Personal Screens
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$$

Value: 3 Stars

All Nippon Airways NRT-SDJ-NRT

  • Seats: great legroom
  • Food: snacks and drinks
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Personal Screens
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$$

Value: 3 Stars

Japanese Airlines BKK-NRT

  • Seats: great legroom
  • Food: full meal
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Personal Screens
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$$

Value: 3 Stars

Bangkok Airlines USM-BKK

  • Seats: good legroom
  • Food: full meal
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Personal Screens
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 4 Stars

Bangkok Airlines CNX-USM

  • Seats: good legroom
  • Food: full meal
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Personal Screens
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 4 Stars

Air Asia Airlines REP-BKK-CNX

  • Seats: okay, small legroom
  • Food: none
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 2 Stars

Vietnam Airlines SGN-REP

  • Seats: okay
  • Food: water
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 2 Stars


  • Seats: good exit row seats
  • Food: none
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $
  • Airline moved flights up 2 hours, which caused us problems, but staff helped get us onboard

Value: 3 Stars

Air Asia KUL-SGN

  • Seats: okay small legroom
  • Food: none
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 2 Stars

Singapore Airlines SIN-KUL

  • Seats: good comfort
  • Food: Tea
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Individual screens with movies
  • Rating: 3 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 3 Stars

Air Asia KCH-SIN

  • Seats: okay small legroom
  • Food: none
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

Malaysian Air MZV-KCH

  • Seats: okay comfort
  • Food: biscuits and juice
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Individual screens with movies
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 4 Stars

Malaysian Air MZV-MYY-MZV

  • Seats: good comfort
  • Food: biscuits and juice
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 3 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 4 Stars

Philippines Air MNL-BWN

  • Seats: okay seats were short on legroom
  • Food: none
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 3 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

Cebu Pacific Air USU-MNL

  • Seats: good, exit row seats
  • Food: none
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 2 Stars

Cebu Pacific Air CEB-USU

  • Seats: okay comfort
  • Food: biscuits and OJ
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 3 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

Cebu Pacific Air MNL-CEB

  • Seats: okay comfort
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None, although they did in-flight trivia
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

Cebu Pacific Air HKG-MNL

  • Seats: very comfortable (exit row)
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: None, although they did in-flight trivia
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

HK Express NGS-HKG

  • Seats: uncomfortable, small leg room
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: good condition
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 1 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 2 Stars


  • Seats: comfy, good legroom
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: good condition and service
  • Entertainment: Yes one big screen in Japanese
  • Rating: 3 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

Jetstar MNL-KIX

  • Seats: comfy
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: okay condition and service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

Air Asia DPS-MNL

  • Seats: uncomfortable small leg room
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: okay condition mediocre service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 1 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 2 Stars

  • Seats: uncomfortable small leg room
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: okay condition mediocre service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

  • Seats: uncomfortable small leg room
  • Food: none but a la cart
  • Plane: okay condition mediocre service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

  • Seats: decent
  • Food: mint, snack, and drink
  • Plane: decent condition good service
  • Entertainment: None
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 2 Stars

  • Seats: old but comfortable
  • Food: one mint
  • Plane: and dated but clean
  • Entertainment: none
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 3 Stars

  • Seats: good room and comfort level
  • Food: one sandwich, snack and one drink
  • Plane: Clean but dated and good service
  • Entertainment: (yes portable media player, but Turkish shows only)
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 4 Stars

  • Seats: good room and comfort level
  • Food: small salad, snack, water, and drink
  • Plane: Clean but dated and good service
  • Entertainment: (yes portable media player, English movies and shows)
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 4 Stars

  • Seats: good room and comfy
  • Food: sandwich, snack, and drinks
  • Plane: Clean but dated and great service
  • Entertainment: (no)
  • Bonus: Provided Martenitsa for first day of Spring
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 4 Stars

  • Seats: great room and comfy
  • Food: hot cheese pie, snack, and drink
  • Plane: Clean and great service
  • Entertainment: No
  • Rating: 4 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 4 Stars

  • Seats: tight and not super comfy
  • Food: was sleeping most of the flight but ala cart
  • Plane: Clean and okay service
  • Entertainment: No
  • Rating: 2 Stars
  • Price: $

Value: 4 Stars

  • Seats: good room and comfy
  • Food: one snack and one drink
  • Plane: Clean and good service
  • Entertainment: Yes
  • Rating: 3 Stars
  • Price: $$

Value: 3 Stars

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