About Us

About Us
We wanted to thank all the people that have helped make our journey possible.
Especially our family who have given us the strength and support to take our path.
All our family and friends who have helped connect us with a network overseas,
and those that we are meeting overseas! All our friends who will hopefully join us on
our adventures. Our employers for also being supportive with our Sabbatical!

Thank you all and anyone else we may be missing!
Michael and Julia
Our Family
Some may call us unorthodox but for my family travel is considered our treasured
pastime. This spirit lives on from the days of both sides of my grandparents
shepherding my parents and their siblings around the country in the back of their cars
for work and good old family vacations. This sparked a sense of wonder and
excitement in my family for seeing and living in new places and cultures.
This tradition has been carried on down to my generation and now my wife Julia who
was learned to not only embrace but love the exploration. So with that we want to
share our stories and memories with you.
Thanks Michael and Julia!
Life is about memories, not dreams-just do it!

This is the section about the many tales and adventures across the land of 6 continents,
stretching over 5 decades by one man and his dream that he made into a reality.
Coming soon, hear more about tips, top places, experiences, and future travels with Joe.
If you want to go let me know and will be there by the end of the year. Twice the trip , in half the
time, at a fraction of the cost .  


   2 x Trip ( 1/2 Time ) x 1% Cost = Good Times


Get your steps in one UNESCO world heritage site at a time.
Follow an avid walker on the many exciting ways and places to get your steps in.
Starting from the mysterious mountains of Machu Pichu, along the banks of Lake Geneva, all the
way to the historic El Camino Trail. Vince has had the opportunity to hike in a variety of unique
places and has had participated in several race walking events. He enjoys walking in a various
Metroparks and other places all over the Toledo area.


Around the World - Section 28 (Eurotrip Finale)

Around the World - Section 28 (Eurotrip Finale) The grand finale to our year abroad was supposed to be a spring trip along the Adri...