Around the World - Section 28 (Eurotrip Finale)

Around the World - Section 28 (Eurotrip Finale)

The grand finale to our year abroad was supposed to be a spring trip along the Adriatic Sea! This was actually a bonus month for us because we stuck to our budget throughout the year and therefore were able to extend our trip one more month.

The Plan

This was going to be a big reunion with many of our previous travelers, including Joe, Linda, Sheila, Eileen, Greg, Deanna, Joel and new comer Mary Kay who were all set to join us for the Italian portion. Well, as everyone in the world may know, COVID-19 struck the globe and we had to terminate our travels.

We first heard of the epidemic while in Australia. At the time the virus was still considered “contained.” As we prepared for this bonus month, the cases started to pop up for the virus in the Milan region of northern Italy. Since we were not planning on going there anyway, we thought we were safe.
We had planned to start out trip in Rome and then advance to Florence, Bologna, San Marino, Venice, and down the coast to Ancona. From there, we would take a nice 1-day cruise across the sea to Split Croatia where we would rent a car and travel all over Croatia, including Zagreb, Plitvicka Falls, Zadar before heading down to Kings Landing otherwise known as Dubrovnik. All before a final layover in London to visit the Queen!

Well the cases rapidly continued to spread, and they soon expanded into the Venice region. At this point many of our fellow travelers started to bow out on the trip one by one, but Julia and I were still committed to go with some adjustments. I spent hours each day studying the outbreak in Italy and monitoring it like a hawk.

We slowly adapted our plan to just go to Rome and take a train over to Ancona to catch the ferry to Croatia and continue the rest of the trip as planned. I had commented on how Europe had open borders and Milan was closer to Munich, Germany than Rome, Italy. Within 3 days before we were set to fly, Italy had gotten worse and we were forced to reconsider our trip. Thanks to Delta customer service, I was able to adjust my flight to go Detroit-Amsterdam-Zagreb with Amsterdam being a 3-day stopover.


So, we left on our trip, just Julia and myself with others staying back home. We had monitored Amsterdam and Croatia which both had less cases then Ohio at the time, so we felt good going on our trip. Upon arriving in Amsterdam, we were pleased with our choice because  tourism was down, and the town was not as crowded.  

We were able to stay at the Waldorf Astoria in the heart of the city for a very cheap point rate due to the low tourism and we were thrilled with the amazing stay. We had the hotel all to ourselves with a private sauna, hot tub, pool, and gym. In the evening, we would go to the main sitting room for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in this historic Amsterdam hotel built in the 17th century. The hotel maintained the feel that the original Dutch nobility had kept with the home. And we were treated to wonderful breakfast in the downstairs piano room overlooking the gardens.

In the daytime we strolled the Amsterdam canals, Van Gogh museum, and tried their local vegan cuisine. This was all before a wonderful tour of the Red-Light District. Yes, the district where we learned about the history of legalized prostitution and the current policies and regulations.

We met people that live and work there. It was a fascinating and eye-opening experience to say the least. And of course everyone knows have the dutch travel.

Before our final days in Amsterdam, we received messages from our families all over the US early in the morning hours due to the time difference all warning us that we have to return to home promptly. The US had issued a travel ban on Schengen countries and we could potentially get trapped in Europe for 40 days!

Before panicking, I read the official reports that clarified that all USA citizens could return at anytime and that all foreigners would be barred from entering if they came from the Schengen countries (which did not include our next two destinations Croatia and the UK). We were set to fly to Croatia 8 hours after the ban took place Friday night, but moved our flight up 12 hours before the ban would start just to be safe. We checked Croatia which was still allowing people in and had less then 10 cases in the whole country and felt safe continuing on, but we did move our flight up to be safe. So we took off flying from A to Z (Amsterdam to Zagreb)!


We checked out of our luxurious Amsterdam hotel and went to the airport. We were excited to continue our trip. As we checked into the airport, Croatia Airlines reconfirmed that we were all set and that we would have no problems getting into Croatia as long as we had not been to Italy or China (which we had not). So, we boarded the plane and after a smooth flight landed in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia.

As we prepared to clear the customs thinking about all the wonderful places we would go, we got sent into a long line of people for medical testing. What we found out was: mid-flight Croatia had updated its policy on foreigners entering from Schengen countries. The rules had changed and we (along with all passengers, even Croatians) were forced to self-isolate for 14 days or leave the country.

Crestfallen, we checked in to our hotel in Zagreb where we decided to figure out what to do next. Since we could not enjoy the country and travel to all of the thrilling nature and cities we had planned, we decided to return home. We called the US embassy in Croatia for instructions. We also called our airline and tried to see if we could move up our flight home which was going through the UK (which still was not on the Croatia or US banned lists). We could not get a flight the next two days but could fly home through London on Monday. At this point, we were ready to go home.

Heading Home

Going to bed in the Zagreb hotel Saturday night, we received a message from family that the UK was added to the banned list for the United States. Now we started to get concerned! What if the flights all got cancelled? What if the flights are overbooked? What if we are trapped in Croatia? We had more questions than answers at this point.

Since getting home through the Schengen zone or UK did not matter anymore, we decided to connect in Zurich, Switzerland (one of our favorite countries) and straight on to Chicago.  We booked the flight and went to bed hoping to get a few hours of sleep.

The Next morning we prepared to travel from Z to Z (Zagreb to Zurich). Our first step was making it through Zurich Airport. Thankfully, everything went without a snag. The next step was flying into Chicago. We heard that Chicago Airport was a mess the previous day with its long lines and delays due to the added screenings at the airport. So, we were concerned. Upon arriving to O’Hare airport, we felt like the taxi to the gate took longer than the entire screening process!

Since the previous day was hectic, the Mayor hired extra help to make the process swifter. With fewer travelers coming home (our flight was less than a 1/3 full), we made it through the checks and were on a flight to Detroit and back home.

We spent the next 14 days (and still counting) in self-isolation and are happy to be safe and healthy. It’s a bittersweet ending to our year abroad but we don’t regret any of it.

We want to thank all of those that were apart of our journey or supported us one way or the other. My final words are to not give up on humanity and definitely do not give up on traveling and seeing that special place you always wanted to visit (when things blow over). 

Stay safe and God Bless!

Julia & Michael

P.S. While we will probably slow down our travels, we are not going to stop. Please let us know when and where in the world you want to meet us. And shoot us some questions!

Around the World - Wrap Up

Around the World - Wrap Up

As if in a blink of an eye, our 13-month long sabbatical around the world has come to a completion. We visited 42 countries on 6 continents, all with their own history, traditions, and nature. We traveled to as far north as Fairbanks, Alaska (64.8378 N), as far south as Te Anau New Zealand (45.4145 S), as high in the elevation as 6000 km above the sea level in Peru, as low in elevation as 2 meters below sea level in the Netherlands, watched the moon rise along the Southern cross in the darkest night sky on earth with minimal light-pollution in New Zealand, stood with one foot in the southern and one foot in the northern hemisphere, spent nights on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca in Peru, flew in a helicopter over Mount Cook in New Zealand, bathed and fed the elephants in Thailand, endured a heat of 107 degrees Fahrenheit in Australia, snorkeled and scuba dove with the world’s most elusive species such as manta rays and whale sharks, petted wombats and Tasmanian Devils, stood face to face with the only known dragons of Komodo, bathed with snow monkeys, and much more.

Most importantly, our travels helped us learn more about the world history. Specifically, we visited museums and memorials dedicated to the ancient civilizations of the Khmer, Egyptian and Inca empires, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Armenian Genocide Museum, Chilean Museum of Memory and Human Rights, and Brazilian Museum of Tomorrow. We also experienced many local protests and riots firsthand (our car got hit with a stone). But, what we have come to realize is that no matter where you go, people are trying to make a living and take care of their families. As Luke Bryan sings in his song “I believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks. I believe most people are good.”

Having said that, we would like to thank our parents for the unconditional love and support that they showed throughout our sabbatical. We would also like to thank our siblings and their families for their support and patience throughout our journey. Additionally, our thanks go out to our extended families (uncles, aunts, and cousins) who joined us on our adventures or who have otherwise showed us their support. Also, many thanks to our former employers and coworkers for their continued support and encouragement in our decision. Many thanks to our overseas friends and family without whom our adventures would not be as exciting and informative. Finally, we thank all the people who have made our experience as memorable as it was. This includes, restaurant and bar service staff, hotels staff, airline crews, call center staff, land transit drivers and captains and their crews, walking tour guides, social media followers, and everyone else!   

Section 1
To wrap up our blog, we would like to share with you our top memories and experiences by country each country in chronological order. *M  stands for Michael's favorites and J stands for Julia's favorites.
  • Ireland – M = red beer at Reilly’s Bar; J = DoDublin Hop On Hop Off Bus

  • Switzerland - M = Bernina Express; J = InterContinental Davos and homemade 3-course dinner

  • Bulgaria - M = Vitosha Mountains; J = the Bulgarian tradition of Martenitsa and local food

  • Turkey – M = Hagia Sophia and Ephesus; J = the Bosporus Strait and baklava

  • Greece - M = black olives and the daily living of the island of Samos; J = homemade food and the monasteries

  • Indonesia – M = the Tegallalang Rice Terrace and the Komodo dragons ; J = InterContinental Bali Resort and manta rays

  • Japan – M = Dewa Sanzan pilgrimage (mount Haguro, Gassan, and Yugono), traditional Japanese green tea house; J = rice fields and onsen

  • Hong Kong – M = A Symphony of Lights Show and Temple Street Night Market; J = swimming in the outdoors pool at night at Conrad Hong Kong and trying dim sum

  • Macau – M = ruins of St. Paul’s; J = enjoying the House of dancing Water show

  • Philippines – M = snorkling with whale sharks and scuba diving to see the WWII sunken ship; J = sea activities, sunsets, and Manila Ocean Park

  • Brunei – M = Omar Ali Mosque and exotic Bander Sari Begawan; J = strolling the manicured and beautifully lit gardens of the mosque at night

  • Malaysia – M = hiking in Gunung Mulu National Park and Bako National Park; J = feeding the parrots at the Kuala Lumpur Taman Burung Bird Park and experiencing the night markets at Malacca

  • Singapore – M = visiting the Gardens by the Bay and the Jewel; J = free botanical garden with black swans and monitor lizards and getting around the city without ever going outside

  • Vietnam – M = Ho Chi Minh and the Saigon Sunset River Tour; J = beauty spa day and Park Hyatt Saigon

  • Cambodia – M = Angkor Wat and tuk tuk rides; J = local youth theater and mango's

  • Thailand – M & J= Elephant sanctuary, Thai food, and relaxing in Koh Samui

  • Taiwan – M = the National Palace Museum and driving around the coast of the island; J = Modern Toilet Restaurant and making a scroll at Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum

  • South Korea – M = partying at J Club, learning KPop, and a day at the traditional Korean photo shoot at Jeonju Hanok Village; J = beauty treatments, watching an artist create personalized scrolls for us, and seeing the night Seoul

  • Alaska – M & J = walking on the glaciers and driving into Valdez, animal encounters

  • Spain – M = city of Toledo and the Magic Fountain of Montjuic show; J = Catalan architect Gaudi and Plaza Del Sol

  • Andorra – M & J = taking an outdoor nap in the Pyrenees Mountains and The Miniature Museum

  • Sweden – M = getting cooking lessons from Gustav and exploring the Fulufjallets national park; J = visiting Gustav’s family on their island and enjoying fika in Stockholm

  • Norway – M = learning about the WWII history in Nybergsund town; J = eating wild raspberries

  • Germany - M = trying vegan kebab at Vegan Summer Festival Berlin, spa day at InterContinental Berlin, dinner with the Bonackers in Munich, and exploring Cologne; J = having dinner and beer at Hofbrauhaus and Rathaus-Glockenspiel show

  • Czech Republic - M = National Marionette Theater show; L = following in Mozart’s footsteps

  • Latvia - M = seeing House of the Blackheads; J = enjoying the Priority Pass lounge at the airport and seeing Art Nouveau architecture  in Riga

  • Georgia - M = Georgian orthodox churches and visiting the Uplistsikhe cave town; J = walking tour of Tbilisi, the food, the performance at Tsiskvili restaurant

  • Armenia - M = Dancing Fountains in Erevan and day trip to lake Savan; J = food and the Armenian Genocide Museum

  • Austria - M = Austrian National Library; J = the architecture and Karlskirche

  • Hungary - M = Szechenyi Bath and daytrip up the Danube river; J = relaxing at the Petnehazy Club Hotel and visiting the Budapest downtown

  • Slovakia - M = Bratislava city art on the communist buildings; J = learning from the walking tour about the Soviet past

  • Egypt - M = the Giza Necropolis and Coptic Rubbish City; J = the Giza Necropolis and visiting the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

  • Colombia - M = the Walled City of Old Cartagena; J = enjoying the Hilton Cartagena

  • Ecuador - M = animals and scenery of the Galapagos islands and feeding iguanas in the Parque Seminario; J = visiting the Middle of the Earth (Equator line)

  • Peru - M & J = visiting Machu Picchu and hiking Huayuna Picchu and staying on Lake Titicaca; animal encounters throughout the country

  • Brazil - M = getting together with Naim and trying local vegetarian soups, visiting Iguazu Falls; J = Iguazu Falls and visiting Christ the Redeemer, soccer game at Maracana Stadium

  • Chile - M = going to Petrohue Waterfalls Park and hiking the snowy volcano of Osorno; J = hiking the Muelle De Las Almas and visiting the penguin sanctuary

  • Argentina - M & J = paragliding in Mendoza and relaxing at the San Carlos de Bariloche resort, playing golf in Patagonia Mountains

  • New Zealand - M = exploring Mount Cook by helicopter and from across the lake Te Anau, hiking lake Wanaka Isthmus Peak Trek; J = seeing Mount Cook, helicopter ride, visiting all the Lord of the Rings filming sites and the Dark Sky Project

  • Australia - M & J = cricket game at Optus Stadium in Perth, getting caught up in Australian Open 2020, and all of the hiking and nature of Tasmania

  • Netherlands - M = enjoying the Van Gogh museum ad relaxing at Waldorf Astoria; J = visiting De Wallen (the Red-Light district) and enjoying the architecture

  • Croatia - M & J = enjoying the view of Zagreb out of Westin hotel

Section 2

Finally, we would like to share with you our top memories and experiences across the board, organized by various categories.

Top 5 Beaches


  1. InterContinental in Bali, Indonesia
  2. Hilton Resort in Bali, Indonesia
  3. Conrad in Koh Samui, Thailand
  4. Pink Beach in Komodo, Indonesia
  5. All beaches in Coron, Philippines

  1. Bicheno Beach in Tasmania, Australia
  2. Tortuga Bay in Galapagos, Ecuador
  3. Conrad in Koh Samui, Thailand
  4. Hilton Resort in Bali, Indonesia
  5. Golden Bay in South Island, New Zealand

Top 5 National Parks


  1. Mulu NP in Malaysia
  2. Bako NP in Malaysia
  3. Komodo NP in Indonesia
  4. All of Tasmania
  5. All of New Zealand

  1. Mount Field NP in Tasmania
  2. Fullufjallet NP in Sweden
  3. Mulu NP in Malaysia
  4. All of New Zealand
  5. Patagonia NP in Chile

Top 10 Hotels

Mike & Julia

  1. InterContinental in Davos, Switzerland
  2. InterContinental in Istanbul, Turkey
  3. InterContinental in Bali, Indonesia
  4. Conrad in Koh Samui, Thailand
  5. Marriott in Mulu, Malaysia
  6. SBLH Hyatt in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  7. Hyatt in Budapest, Hungary
  8. InterContinental in Berlin, Germany
  9. InterContinental in Cairo, Egypt
  10. Waldorf Astoria in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Top 6 Airport Lounges

Mike & Julia

  1. Bogota El Dorado Intl, Colombia
  2. Siem Reap Angkor Intl, Cambodia
  3. American Airlines Admirals Club, Brazil
  4. Stockholm Arlanda, Sweden
  5. Delta Sky Club, Atlanta USA
  6. Riga International RIX Lounge, Latvia

Top 5 Unique Food Experiences


  1. Live shrimp, South Korea
  2. Fried el paco, Peru
  3. Grilled octopus, Greece
  4. Durian dessert, Malaysia
  5. Staked watermelons, Sweden

  1. Grilled octopus, Greece
  2. Durian dessert, Malaysia
  3. Bibimbap soup, South Korea
  4. Traditional Chinese dinner, Taiwan
  5. Luwak coffee, Indonesia

Top 5 Challenges


  1. Point A to B transit
  2. Car rentals
  3. Consistent workout routine
  4. Consistent diet
  5. Jet lag

  1. Uptime vs downtime balance
  2. Consistent diet
  3. Consistent workout routine
  4. Prioritizing things to do and to see
  5. Towards the end, coronavirus

Top 10 Animal Encounters

Mike & Julia

  1. Elephant sanctuary, Thailand
  2. Manta rays, Indonesia
  3. Whale sharks, Philippines
  4. Komodo dragons, Indonesia
  5. Galapagos wildlife, Ecuador
  6. Camels, Egypt
  7. Bats, Malaysia
  8. Snow monkeys, Japan
  9. Devils and wombats, Tasmania
  10. Flying foxes, Australia

Top 11 Natural Wonders

Mike & Julia

  1. All of New Zealand 
  2. Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil
  3. Swiss Alps, Switzerland
  4. Komodo NP, Indonesia
  5. Islands of Coron, Philippines
  6. Borneo NP, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei
  7. Matanuska glacier, Alaska, USA
  8. Galapagos islands, Ecuador
  9. Lake Titicaca and Colca Canyon, Peru
  10. Patagonia, Chile and Argentina
  11. All of Tasmania

Top 10 Man-Made Wonders

Mike & Julia
  1. Giza Necropolis, Egypt
  2. Angkor Wat, Cambodia
  3. Machu Picchu, Peru
  4. Christ the Redeemer, Brazil
  5. Koln Dom, Germany
  6. Hagia Sophia, Turkey
  7. Omar Ali Saifuddien, Brunei
  8. Garden of the Bay, Singapore
  9. Parliament Building, Hungary
  10. Uplistsikhe cave town, Georgia

Top 10 Water Activities

Mike & Julia

  1. Scuba diving in Coron, Philippines for Mike
  2. Snorkeling with whale sharks in Cebu, Philippines
  3. Snorkeling with sea turtles, sea lions, and sleeping white tip sharks in Galapagos, Ecuador
  4. Snorkeling with manta rays in Komodo, Indonesia
  5. Jet skiing on Lake Savan, Armenia
  6. Kayaking in Coron, Philippines
  7. Glacier Bay ferry, Alaska, USA
  8. Swimming in the Bali Sea, Indonesia
  9. Swimming in the Baltic Sea, Sweden
  10. Swimming in the Red Sea, Egypt

Overall Top 11 Unforgettable Experiences

Mike & Julia

  1. Staying with a local family on Lake Titicaca, Peru
  2. Paragliding in Mendoza, Argentina
  3. Snorkeling with whale sharks, Philippines
  4. Snorkeling with manta rays, Indonesia
  5. Spending a day with elephants, Thailand
  6. Hiking Machu Picchu, Peru
  7. Taking selfies with Komodo dragons, Indonesia
  8. Dewa Sanzan pilgrimage, Japan
  9. Walking on the Matanuska glacier, Alaska, USA
  10. Driving the South Island of New Zealand
  11. Riding a helicopter over Mount Cook and landing on the glacier

Top 10 Hikes

Mike & Julia

  1. Dewa Sanzan, Japan
  2. Isthmus Peak, New Zealand
  3. Mount Amos, Tasmania
  4. Fullujallet Falls, Sweden
  5. Huayna Picchu, Peru
  6. Komodo NP, Indonesia
  7. Piedra de Habsburgo, Bariloche, Argentina
  8. Angel Rocks Trail, Alaska, USA
  9. Tortuga Bay hike, Galapagos, Ecuador
  10. Muelle del las Almas, Chile

Top 5 Cities


  1. Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  2. Singapore, Singapore
  3. Perth, Australia
  4. Prague, Czech Republic
  5. Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  1. Stockholm, Sweden
  2. Singapore, Singapore
  3. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  4. Perth, Australia
  5. Munich, Germany

Top 6 Museums


  1. The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Egypt
  2. Vienna Public Library, Austria
  3. National Palace Museum, Taiwan
  4. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, Japan
  5. The Armenian Genocide Museum, Armenia
  6. Van Gogh Museum, the Netherlands

  1. House of Terror, Hungary
  2. Museum of Tomorrow, Brazil
  3. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, Japan
  4. Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, Germany
  5. War Remnants Museum, Vietnam
  6. May 18th National Cemetery, South Korea

5 things I wish I had in my luggage


  1. Better waterproof shoes, socks, and sandals
  2. Portable beard trimmer
  3. Car phone mount
  4. 2nd travel Laptop with Word
  5. Good travel ground coffee

  1. Better waterproof shoes, socks, and sandals
  2. Better phone
  3. Wristwatch
  4. Wi-Fi hotspot for poor reception areas
  5. Travel size soup mug

2019 and 2020 world events that impacted our travel one way or the other

Mike & Julia

  1. European Union Immigration Issues, Turkey and Greece
  2. Volcano Eruption, Indonesia
  3. Protests, Hong Kong and Macau
  4. Sharia Law, Brunei
  5. Wildfire Season, Alaska, USA
  6. Protests, Egypt
  7. Protests, Ecuador and Chile
  8. Wildfire Season, Australia and Tasmania
  9. Coronavirus, the world

Thank you for being a part of our amazing year around the world experience!

Around the World - Section 28 (Eurotrip Finale)

Around the World - Section 28 (Eurotrip Finale) The grand finale to our year abroad was supposed to be a spring trip along the Adri...